Sunday, November 25, 2007

Where the hell have you been?

So yeah, it's been a long time since the last post. What's been going on? many things....

First I had to take a break from the game. I was having lots of trouble with the cover ai that was driving me batshits. So I stopped working on it while I played Bioshock. (one of the side effects of working in the game industry is that I get "homework" of playing other people's games....tough stuff, I know)

After Bioshock, I got the Orange Box and have been playing Half Life 2: Episode 2, Portal and Team Fortress's been tough getting my arse in gear when I could be playing TF2 instead.

Anyhoo, I have been working on some stuff recently. Mostly I worked on a new model:
Hey! That's me! Yup, modeled and rigged the "Rotten Tomatoes" character. Looks a little weird, but that's because texturing sucks balls. Seriously, mapping UVs is a pain in the ass.

The rest of what I've been doing is level design stuff. I changed the skybox to a nighttime skybox, but when I look at it, the framerate drops to it's knees...

Geeky Stuff:
In case you wanted to know what a skybox is, that's the sky. The reason it's called a skybox is because the sky is projected onto the inside of a cube which is then placed in the sky. pretty complicated stuff, I know...

I also have been working on the club in Rock and Roll Street...mostly on the outside. One of the problems is that there's a bunch of stuff inside the club that you can currently see from the outside, so I have been trying to find good ways to cover it up. I decided to just hide it with a wall and then not allow the player in certain areas of the level. (lots of games cheat their levels like this)

anyhoo, that's what's been going on. I'm planning to continue working on the club, including some lighting and texturing...I just found a great resource with tons of textures that I'm going to be hijacking. woohoo!


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eve isk said...

Its really a long time