Welcome to the dev-blog for Dragonfire Riots the video game! This is where we (I) will be posting the status, screenshots and tons more information about the development of the companion video game to Dragonfire's upcoming album - Dragonfire Riots!
oh, and if you're totally on another planet and somehow stumbled on to this blog without knowing who Dragonfire is, go to Dragonfire's Myspace Page
anyhoo, on to the information:
The game is going to be in full 3D using the Torque Game Engine - pretty cool stuff for only $150.
Norman "Pipes" "Sticks" Tilles
Justin "Frets Fisticuffs" Harrison
Tim "Rotten" Tomatoes
Ace Facial
The Dragonfire Wizard
The Party Devil
Dragonfire Defender
We're planning for other people to appear in the cast, but I haven't heard any confirmations from them yet! If you're interested in making an appearance or contributing to the game, email me. There's a lot of models to do, and I'm not too good at that, so if you've got XP in 3ds Max, lemme know!
How the Game's Coming Along:
I got Norman Modeled from his T-stance pictures. He looks pretty good, but I'm not the best modeler. His skinning still needs some work, but it's good enough for now.
Last night I finally got him to appear in game with his textures. turns out the texture needs to always be pointed to the game directory and not a development source directory. So I guess I have to always edit out of the game directory. Looks like it might be time for some source control.
He's still not animating though. He animates in the preview tool, but not in game. I'll post some screenshots when I get that working. In the meantime, here's some shots of his model (Click on them for better images):
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