So after starting the weekend with a slight distraction, I've been spending most of my time working on Norman's microphone. Turns out getting it to work is less than easy. Problems have abounded from export issues to scripting, compiling and memory issues.
Many of those issues got solved, and I'm proud to say that Norman's microphone is coming along nicely...and for once, instead of shocking him when he uses it, this one puts the full fledged verbal assault on Norman's enemies!
And of course, there's the new splash screen. For some reason, when you're working on a game, seeing the name of your game when it first starts up is a huge step. It really makes it feel like something's getting accomplished. So get pumped!
So what were the problems with the microphone?
Well like I said, there's been a lot. The biggest one, and the one I'm still trying to deal with is getting the microphone to shoot. I know what you're thinking..."Microphone's don't shoot!" Normally, that's true. BUT Normanly that's false. in Norman's world, microphones wage an all out war on the auditory system! and I'm just trying to reflect that.
So what's next on the plate?
I'm still working on getting the microphone to shoot. You'd think that copying a working script would be enough, but in my world that's never the case. once it's been copied, then it has to be modified...painus in my anus if you ask me.
Assuming I get Norman's mic to shoot (and believe me I'll be letting you know when I do!) I've got to work on a bunch of Norman's animations...he still looks weird holding the mic.
After that I'll be moving on to some even more difficult scripting! I've got to make some modifications to the normal AI script to make it a little bit smarter for the more difficult enemies. In other words, the smarter guys will be taking cover instead of just charging. Again with the more stuff I haven't done....I'm looking forward to the days where I'll be doing things I've done before!!
anyway, here's some screenshots:
Norman carrying himself instead of the microphone(a funny oopsie):
Norman wielding his powerful microphone:
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